About Five Ocean
Welcome to our website and thank you for being interested in our company.

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- About Five Ocean
- Vision
Best Service Provider and Global Leader

We constantly innovate our corporate strategy and system in order to provide our clients with a better service.

We are not complacent, but challenge new things in order to meet growing needs of our clients and to extend our market.

The base for a high-quality service is expert knowledge, know-how and wide network between experts. We will provide a competent service by developing and maintaining such expertise.

We will keep achieving our corporate vision through transparent corporate management, risk management and staff training.
Ethical Management
Five Ocean Corporation endeavor to meet the needs of customers and to promote prosperity of our partner companies, our executives and staff, and to achieve our sustainable development through transparent corporate management and fair competition in the market.
We hereby decree our Code of Ethics:
Company¡¯s Principle
- 1. Our first priority is to build a trust with clients and to provide world-best service.
- 2. We create sound corporate culture and stable profits by transparent corporate management and fair trade.
- 3. We comply with both foreign/domestic laws and international regulations.
- 4. We contribute to protection of the environment and public interests.
Employee¡¯s Code of Conduct
- 1. We keep our dignity and fulfill our duty as a member of the company.
- 2. We protect the company¡¯s assets and profit and do not exploit them for private interests.
- 3. We do not give/receive money, valulables, and/or excessive treats with interested parties and/or partner companies.
- 4. All executives and staff respect each other.